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Probate Attorney

At Charles Bean & Associates, We Can Help.

Seeking the services of our highly talented team of probate attorneys at Charles Bean & Associates in Coeur d'Alene is a wise decision to help relieve stress and assure you're navigating the probate process appropriately. We're experienced with helping people through the potentially stressful and sad time after a loved one passes. Since the probate process is usually lengthy and complicated, we assist in ensuring everything your loved one wanted for you and your family comes to be. Simple probate can take up to six months, while more complicated or challenged probates can take considerably longer.

What is Probate?


Probate is a system that goes through a court of law to authenticate the decedent's last will. This process will also determine the value of the decedent's assets and distribute them according to the wishes in their will. This is also the time for beneficiaries to file claims for any debts owed to them. The distribution of remaining assets can only happen after all debts, court fees, and outstanding taxes are paid.

Probate Attorney in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

What is the Process, and Why Do I Need a Probate Attorney?


Without a previous estate attorney and planning, the list is very long and can overwhelm a grieving family, especially if they've not been through an experience with probate before. A probate attorney can simplify the process for you and let you concentrate on healing and getting your family through the grief. A probate attorney will help you through the process of:

  • Authenticating the Last Will and Testament. This will involve a court hearing. Often there are objections raised regarding the person who is called out in the will to be the executor, or there may be objections to the will itself if it was drafted improperly. There may also be affidavits required for people who may have witnessed the signing of the will.
  • Appointment of the Executor. A person who the Court appoints. This is usually the person who is specified in the will, who oversees settling the estate.
  • Posting Bond. Some states require executors to post a bond before it allows them to act in this capacity. A bond is an insurance policy that kicks in if the executor makes a colossal mistake damaging the estate or its beneficiaries.
  • Taking Stock of Assets. The executor's first job is to find and secure all of your loved one's assets. Close family may not even know about some assets! It's the executor's job to find and take possession of these assets after a thorough review of any insurance policies, tax returns, and other personal documentation. A valuation is then determined of all assets.
  • Paying Outstanding Bills. Everyone dreads a bill collector. So, Charles Bean, your compassionate probate attorney in Coeur d'Alene, will take this burden from your grieving family so that you don't have to deal with it during this difficult time.
  • Final Tax Returns. Yes, Uncle Sam needs to know as well. The executor will complete these returns and file the estate taxes. They pay these through the estate before any distribution to the beneficiaries.
  • Distribution of Assets. After they complete all the many steps, the attorney or executor can petition the Court for permission to distribute any remaining assets according to the will. This will require a complete accounting provided to the Court of every financial transaction. We can waive this if all parties agree. Your probate attorney will assist you in setting up a trust for any minor children with any assets to minors.

Our team of compassionate and sensitive probate attorneys at Charles Bean & Associates in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, can relieve you of the stress and pain of dealing with the details of a loved one's passing. Let us bear the burden while you and your family mourn and heal in your own time, the way it's supposed to be.

Probate Attorney in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Contact Charles Bean & Associates for a Free Probate Consultation


We are always available for your concerns and questions in taking care of the last details. Let us help you. We offer probate services in the following Idaho cities: Coeur d'Alene, Bonners Ferry, Sandpoint, Moscow, Lewiston, Orofino, Grangeville, and Priest River. If you're considering estate planning, so your probate goes much smoother, please contact us today!

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