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What if My Social Security Disability Claim Was Denied?

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Being diagnosed with a disability is not only stressful but frightening as well. You are worried about how you will support your family, mainly when you can no longer perform your job due to a disability. Applying for social security disability insurance in Idaho can reduce your worries. Unfortunately, there is a higher chance that your claim will be denied if you are applying for the first time.

Are you frustrated that your social security disability claim has been denied? Don't give up yet. There is still some hope. If your first SSD claim application has been denied, you are not alone. About 65 percent of all first-time applicants have been denied SSD benefits.

Why Are Social Security Disability Claims Denied?

Numerous reasons can lead to Social Security Disability claims being denied. Here are a few more common reasons:

  • Incomplete or improperly filled out applications
  • Insufficient medical records
  • Errors applying the law to a claim
  • Not enough support from qualified physicians
  • Refiling after you have been denied

How Do you File an Appeal for a Denied Social Security Disability Claim?

What do you do if your disability claims have been denied? You can appeal the denial decision. With the help of a qualified attorney, you stand a higher chance of being awarded the benefits you deserve. There is a 60-day deadline to appeal when your Social Security Disability benefit has been denied. You may do it yourself, but you stand a better chance when you hire a qualified attorney.

Most people don't appeal once their disability claims have been denied. The denied claimants:

  • Give up on the process
  • File the appeal when it's too late
  • Make the mistake of filing a new claim.
What if My Social Security Disability Claim Was Denied?

Should You Hire A Social Security Disability Attorney or File An Appeal Yourself?

You have to keep in mind that the initial stage denials are pretty standard, so it's nothing to worry about. If you hire a qualified SSD attorney who understands applying for social security disability and the appeals process, you'll significantly improve your chance of qualifying for benefits. Even though there is no way you can be confident of obtaining SSD benefits after the appeal, you increase your chances of success.

If the disability claims have been denied due to incomplete medical history, you should work closely with a medical professional to ensure you submit the proper medical documentation.

Hiring a qualified social security disability lawyer will help you prepare for the appeal. The attorney ensures you have the appropriate paperwork. Disability lawyers are very knowledgeable in the social security application process.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Charles Bean & Associates PLLC

Now that you know what led to your disability claims being rejected the first time, you can appeal a denial before the 60-day limit is over. Contact Charles Bean & Associates for expert advice about how to proceed if your social security disability claim is denied. Start with a free consultation! Contact us.

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